Mercedes Benz
Mercedes Benz
Mercedes Benz
Mercedes Benz
Mercedes Benz
Mercedes Benz
Mercedes Benz
Client | Mercedes Benz | Agency | Shanghai Berlin GmbH | CD Dana Kreidt | AD Carsten Reinhardt
Client | Mercedes Benz | Agency | Shanghai Berlin GmbH | CD Dana Kreidt | AD Carsten Reinhardt

Tom Grammerstorf | CGI
Felix Bader | CGI
Chris Iskandar | Edit | Compositing
For Mercedes Smart and Smart HOW realized two short films by Tom and Chris, which were partly completely realized in CGI. For this, a total of 10 different locations had to be designed and modeled in detail. To be able to represent the driving characteristics very realistically, a special rig was used for the chassis.
For Mercedes Smart and Smart HOW realized two short films by Tom and Chris, which were partly completely realized in CGI. For this, a total of 10 different locations had to be designed and modeled in detail. To be able to represent the driving characteristics very realistically, a special rig was used for the chassis.
For Mercedes Smart and Smart HOW realized two short films by Tom and Chris, which were partly completely realized in CGI. For this, a total of 10 different locations had to be designed and modeled in detail. To be able to represent the driving characteristics very realistically, a special rig was used for the chassis.
For Mercedes Smart and Smart HOW realized two short films by Tom and Chris, which were partly completely realized in CGI. For this, a total of 10 different locations had to be designed and modeled in detail. To be able to represent the driving characteristics very realistically, a special rig was used for the chassis.
For Mercedes Smart and Smart HOW realized two short films by Tom and Chris, which were partly completely realized in CGI. For this, a total of 10 different locations had to be designed and modeled in detail. To be able to represent the driving characteristics very realistically, a special rig was used for the chassis.
For Mercedes Smart and Smart HOW realized two short films by Tom and Chris, which were partly completely realized in CGI. For this, a total of 10 different locations had to be designed and modeled in detail. To be able to represent the driving characteristics very realistically, a special rig was used for the chassis.
For Mercedes Smart and Smart HOW realized two short films by Tom and Chris, which were partly completely realized in CGI. For this, a total of 10 different locations had to be designed and modeled in detail. To be able to represent the driving characteristics very realistically, a special rig was used for the chassis.